NABC Certificate

Are You Born in 1950 in Chennai, but Have No Birth Certificate? 

Are you born in or before 1950, especially in Chennai? Is your birth registered with the municipal corporation? It is mandatory to formally report a birth to this competent authority under the provision of the Registration of Birth and Death (RBD) Act, 1969. The Registrar General is appointed in the municipal corporation to legally record all events of birth and death in that area.  

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What Is a Certificate of Non-Availability?

The certificate of non-availability is related to the birth. However, a birth certificate is primarily assigned at the time of birth. Certain reasons made it mandatory to issue this document.

It’s evident that a birth certificate is a legal document stating the particulars of an individual’s birth. These particulars are mainly the name, date of birth, place of birth, parental details, mother’s and father’s education, date and maturity of the pregnancy period, etc.

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