What is H1B Visa? What Restrictions Are Announced by Trump?

What is H1B Visa? What Restrictions Are Announced by Trump?

With the change in American ruling, new visa rules have been tabled by the current president Donald Trump. According to it,

  • The employers in America have to provide more than double the minimum wages of the H1B visa holders.
  • The country will issue this visa to the company that assures delivering minimum wages worth $130,000.
  • The American company set up in the foreign country, if sells its products in the US will have to pay 35% or more tax.

All these announcements are made to give a push to the regime ‘American first’. But these statements have created mayhem in the country. Around 85,000 NRIs are going to be affected there. Also, nearly 20,000 or 21,000 Indian students who are attaining higher education there are likely to face off adversities there.

These new policies when implemented would cause all hell broke loose. Now, all eyes are set on the newly elected legislative assembly that may show green signal to this bill. It is buzzing that Silicon Valley will surely undergo severe blow after its implementation.

However, it’s too early to think over its aftermaths. The bill is only tabled that includes visa programs like H1B, L-1, E-2 and B1.

Now, let walk through A-Z about H1B visa.

What is H1B visa?

H1B visa is a non-immigrant visa that enables Indians to work in the US. Generally, the American employers extensively use it to outsource dirt cheap manpower from India. The native companies predominantly issue it to hire the highly qualified & skilled professionals, like engineers, doctors, scientists and IT geeks. It is initially issued for 3 months which can be extended for more 3 months later. Meanwhile, the emigrants can go the extra mile and get green card following certain mandatory terms and conditions.

To halt this practice and encouraging employment opportunities for the US natives, newly elected President Donald Trump has taken this step.

What are the basic requirements for H1B visa?

  • Professional degree(s), like engineering
  • 4 years bachelor degree in the US or equivalent degree
  • Decent work experience
  • Early birds win priority since only 65,000 H1B visa applications are entertained during a fiscal year, i.e. 1st October to 30th
  • The application must be submitted prior to the beginning of the fiscal month, i.e. 1st
  • CENOMAR can be sought by the sponsoring H1B visa employer.

Steps to apply for H1B visa: Getting this visa is no big deal provided that all guidelines and conditions are followed carefully. To let it occur seamlessly, the applicant must do his/her homework. How? Let’s check below:

  1. Find the sponsor company (since there are many big ones, like Wipro, Infosys etc. )
  2. Thoroughly research if the sponsor company has:
  • LCA approval
  • What its denial rate
  • When does it provide green card?
  • Does it pay for insurance?
  • Will it support when the applicant is on bench?
  • Which kinds of jobs does it offer?
  1. The applicant must be ready with the following documents:
  • Experience letter from the current/previous employer
  • Copies of degrees and professional certificates
  • Request for transcript if the applicant has degree from American University
  1. Ring in its customer support for negotiating salary.
  2. Email or courier the copies of aforementioned documents to the sponsored company
  3. Follow up employer (or sponsoring company) since he may require CENOMAR for proving the employee is single or any other specific document.
  4. The sponsor company will file petitions to the USCIS for delivering visa on April 1.
  5. Passport

Afterwards, the applicant can get all the attestation work done through the sponsoring company. Alternatively, the attestation of certificates can also be outsourced through some authentic outsourcers.

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