What is Single Status Certificate?

What is Single Status Certificate?

A Single Status Certificate specifies marital status corresponding to the judiciary legislation of the country. However, Indian court or embassy accepts a self sworn statement or an affidavit to attest, which states that the affiant is single or, has no dependents from the previous marriage. If you ask what the single status certificate is, it refers to a legal document that discloses the matrimonial background, if there is any, revealing one’s eligibility for wedding in the foreign country.

This is basically a precautionary measure for governments to save their citizens from being victimized with polygamy. More than one marriage is not legally valid in many countries. So, it is a judicial law to have just one spouse.

Attestation Is Essential

A sworn statement would be considered just a plain statement, stating your marital status. The foreign authority does not accept it unless it is approved or verified by the competent authorities. So, you have to get validated at the state and central government level before moving to the embassy for a final attestation.

Here is a blueprint of which authority is going to attest on that affidavit step by step:

  • Notary

A notary public is an officer who notarises the bachelorhood affidavit. He works at the ground level, attesting it in the court. Before putting a stamp, he verifies all documents with his analytical eyes while deeply figuring out your gestures. He signs when he gets satisfied with all documents & your intentions.

  • SDM

A short for Sub-Divisional Magistrate, the SDM is competent to authorize the single status certificate in India at district level. He verifies the affidavit before counter-attesting it to prove that it is valid from all aspects.

  • MEA

Also called the Ministry of External Affairs, the MEA is the topmost authority working in the center that you cannot skip for attestation. It has appointed a few agencies to collect and come for NRIs or emigrants’ attestation services in all states of India.

  • Embassy

This is the last authority in a sequence to get certificate of non impediment for marriage attested for the non-residents of India who are temporarily living in the foreign country. Upon getting this certificate apostilled from the MEA, this particular document is sent for the counter-attestation of the Embassy.

POA for Getting CENOMAR from India

Power of Attorney or POA empowers the stated person to represent the attorney giver. This is a common case of NRIs who cannot come down here more often. So, they appoint someone who is near or dear for handing over POA. This power defines that the attorney is approved or permitted to perform legal proceedings on their behalf.

He or she drafts an affidavit at first. Once it’s all done, the applicant visits the nearest DM or SDM office to get his/ her signature on that document. Later, he gets the MEA stamp or apostille sticker for legalizing the document. Lastly, the attorney visits the Indian Embassy to get its stamp on that affidavit.

Apply Via A Consultant

This is easier to carry out, visiting a professional in an agency and submit the requisite documents. The agent makes sure that the document is being attested and apostilled from the state and the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA).

It is recommended to approach a highly experienced agency for getting professional assistance. It is simply because only a professional knows how to sail across all glitches coming your way. It can save many hours and money, promising that the document will be verified and delivered within a stipulated time without any error or discrepancies.

Documents To Be Enclosed With Affidavit

  • 3 sworn statements of the applicant and two witnesses (that can be parents or relatives)
  • Birth proof
  • Visa Number
  • Passport number
  • Complete address

In addition, the document should have properly attested and validated by the requisite state and central government administration. Although it can be time-taking procedure, yet you can get it, certainly.

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