How Can NRIs Monitor Children Progress in Career Online?

How Can NRIs Monitor Children Progress in Career Online?

Are you worried about your ward’s performance in school?

It’s intuitive to think about the apple of your eyes (your child). Despite being far, non-residents of India often get trapped in a loop of thoughts-What my child will be doing?  Is he scoring well? How can I interact with his school performance? – These and a lot more.

Your child is your priority. So, you cannot blindfold to his school monitoring and evaluation. After all, it’s the only way to come across your child’s academic progress. With helpdesk like S2NRI, parents meet comfort in getting acknowledgement of their kids’ performance.

Let’s catch up all about school monitoring, its importance and a variety of ways to screen your ward’s performance in the academy.

What is school monitoring?

The school monitoring, as its name suggests, is a process of acknowledging your child’s academic performance. It is an organized way to systematically integrate a child’s all school activities in a coherent plan. This is how an overview of his performance shapes up. It serves as a referral, which guide parents, students and school authority to measure up his overall school performance. Thereby, it guides them to do the needful, if required, for improving his academic productivity. If his evaluation report marks him meritorious, you can award him with some gifts or picnic to boost up his morale.

Importance of school monitoring and evaluation system: 

  1. Less paper work:

In 1980s and 90s, this kind of monitoring was a paperbound activity. But today, almost every system is transformed digitally. It has lessened the piles of unmanageable volumes of messy paper records. Their goal was to determine the progress of individual students in a timely manner. The goal of the digital monitoring system is more advanced. Besides progress, it has the efficacy of measuring flaws. It suggests that the failure or weakness can be averted through attending that flaw seriously. A little bit of hard work can pay off for this smart move.

  1. Performance boosts up:

In all, it is a performance tracker of pupils that helps in making a career of NRI children. Having been highlighted with the plus and the minus, it assists in addressing the problems. It spotlights the verticals for segregating verticals requiring more and less attention each in the education and extra-curricular activities.

  1. e-monitoring for lifting performance:

The electronic monitoring system is infused with live-chat facility. Even, contact numbers are particularly marked there for requesting direct addressing through a competent authority, say the principal or a class teacher. The parents can remotely get in touch with the teachers through it. It infuses a level of comfort for accessing ward’s progress anytime from anywhere. Thereby, the father or mother, despite being offshore, can ask teachers for the weaknesses, strengths and what-to-do to eliminate them.

  1. Child development programs:

The e-evaluation reports of academics displays scored marks and grades. Thereby, the NRI parents witness monitoring report across the internet. Even, they can plan to schedule a skype chat, for example, for discussing distantly over a variety of dynamic child development programs. The responsive and fast communication stays at your disposal to solve any matter of your child online. Moreover, the teenage NRI students can get best career advice through this excellent online mode of communication.

  1. Career counseling:

The electronic school monitoring systems are merged with career counseling. If they aren’t, the NRI parents can ask for an online advice over making the career in the government jobs, like IAS, IFS or DSSSB or about the private jobs and their prospects. A timely advisor can save a lot of time and directs the ward to achieve what he intends to. He will have hundreds of opportunities and inputs to catch the fruitful outcome.

  1. Preventing bullying:

Students often hide embarrassing incidents, like bullying. If, somehow, they muster courage to share it with parents, the far-located NRI father or mother will be unable to discuss the matter with teachers. Staying mute or lodging no complaints on-time can boost up such evil practices. Therefore, the parents should mention it as a remark in an e-monitoring report. Thereby, the students can put off an uncertain burden of being bullied from their chest.

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